Monday, August 12, 2013

Reflections of Death: Can the Dead Ones Really Come Back to Life? Part 4

It's a basic fact that the dead ones remain dead. This is a fact that ancient people knew as much as we know know. We don't need modern science to tell us that the dead ones remain dead. But  when we ask the dead ones about afterlife, they don't really answer. So is there any way one can know anything about afterlife?

Jesus Christ lived and died in the first century.  He was crucified on a cross like a Roman criminal, and buried on a tomb. His disciples thought then that all was gone. It was usual then that a movement withered away into obscurity once the leader died or was put to death. Since Jesus was put to death after a criminal trial, his disciples ran for their life.

Few days later, the disciples claimed to have seen their Lord and Master having come to life. They received new zeal and fresh boldness to continue the work their teacher had initiated. And so the church or rather Christianity came to be in the history of human civilization. This rise of the church is attributed to the fact that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead, and that he is vindicated to be the Lord and Master of  the world. And this man who is raised from the dead says that there is life beyond death; and this event also gives sufficient evidence that the dead ones do not have to remain dead.

The Bible says that those who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and God will be raised to life for an ever fullest life. So, can the dead ones really come back to life? Well, look at Jesus Christ for the answer; it is an event that has happened in this time and space.

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