Saturday, February 11, 2017

Are Muslims Really Hindus?

The other day RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat says that Muslims are also Hindus by nationality, and that they are Muslims by faith. The news item can be read here and also here. Mohan Bhagwat meant to equate "Hindus" with "Indians". I thought this is problematic. 

1. If Muslims are Hindus by nationality, and Muslims by faith, then what is Mohan Bhagwat by faith? An atheist or what is he? 

2. If being "Hindus" and being "Indian" are same, then can we say that most of the Nepalis living in Nepal are also Indian? After all most Nepalis are Hindus. 

3. So many Indians give up Indian passport and take US passport, Canadian passport etc. None of these people are Hindus anymore, according to Bhagwat, since "Hindus" refer to nationality and these people are US nationality, Canadian nationality etc. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Submission of PhD Dissertation in Delhi University

Writing the dissertation is a daunting task. But the submission can be a great headache too if the dateline is so close. In this post, I shall share the processes so that readers may be aware of the processes involved and then take appropriate measures. 

1. Once your pre-submission seminar is over, you have 89 days to submit the dissertation. But collect thesis submission form from the BRS office. The form will have details of what all to submit and what kind of signatures you require to take for submission. 

2. Once the pre-submission seminar is done, and perhaps two months later you have got your dissertation ready, first thing to do is to get the plagiarism test done. For this you have to convert your dissertation (Front pages, introduction, chapters and references/bibliography) into PDF. Then write this PDF on a CD and take it to the Central Library (First Floor) to get plagiarism test done. This test will take an hour. You may get the result after an hour. But in my case, I got it done on Friday noon. But because they have run out of the form, I was given the result on Monday. So if you are running short of time, keep this in mind. (The shops in Patel Chest will be able to help get these works done). (Day 1). (Clearance from the Central Library was not required by the Examination Branch in my case. I did get the Clearance though!)

4. Once the Plagiarism test comes out okay, go for printing. (For plagiarism check, up to 20% similarity is okay.) Give it for printing on the day you get Steps 2 and 3 done. To print the dissertation and get binding done, it will take around 4 hours. Even if it is late, give it to them if they would take it. The book is supposed to have Plagiarism test certificate, originality certificate, students approval form etc. The computer experts who help you in formatting the Thesis know all the certificates to be included. 

5. Meanwhile get your dissertation (chapter wise) and abstract written in 3 CD as well. Also take photocopies of your PhD registration, joining report etc. (Day 2)

5. Get the book, and get them signed from your Guide and HoD. You will also have to get the form that you get from the BRS office in Step 1 signed too. Also get the CDs signed from the Guide, and also students approval form and others.  (Day 2). Steps 2 may take one entire day or even more because your Guide and the HoD may not be available on the same day. 

6. Then after that go to BRS office to get the signature of BRS Chairman on the form that you received in Step 1. I would suggest that you go on day 2 itself, if it is before 5 pm. BRS Chairman may not be available on the same day but you can leave the form with the staff. The Chairman may not even be available for the next 2-3 days. So give it on day 2 itself because he may be available on day 2 till 5 pm, and not be available on day 3 and 4. 

7. Once you have got the BRS Chairman's signature, go to the Examination Branch to submit the documents. Till 3 pm, the dealing official would be available. After 3 pm, the gate keeper will not allow entry.

8. The Examination Branch is rigorous in examining that all the documents are in order. They gave me three more forms to sign. One requires just the student's signature, and about this I am not saying anything here because one can do that at the spot itself. But the other two require Supervisor's and HOD's signatures. So it is better that you get these two forms ready in advance. Since Supervisor and the HOD may not come to the Department everyday, getting their signatures sometimes is very difficult. One form that you need to keep it ready (this was not given by the BRS) is about publication. You can get the format of the form here. You can take the print out of the form yourself, then get it filled and along with the print out or photocopy of the published research paper in a refereed journal, you have to submit it. The other form is the Supervisor's certificate for exclusion of self-published work. You can get the form here. If the Supervisor has not included any of her/his publication in your work, write "NA" (not applicable).

9. If your documents are complete, you will have to deposit examination fee. (To check if you all have all the documents, see here.) To deposit the examination fee, one will have to get written " no due" on thesis submission form from Window 5, and then go back to Window 1 to pay the fee. I was asked to pay Rs. 5000. I think those who do not get Fellowship pay less. Once the fee is paid, go back to the Examination Branch to submit the documents. Now you are down with submission. (The examination fee receipt is the proof that you have submitted your dissertation.)

(With this post, I hope to make submission process little easier. But it will usually take at least a week. Since the Supervisor and the HOD are not available in the Dept everyday, things get delayed. We cannot blame the Supervisor and HOD for not being available everyday. They have Committee Meeting, Seminar, Paper correction etc. But with this p)

NB: These processes and requirements may change with time. I submitted my dissertation in 2017.

Documents Required for PhD Thesis Submission

These are the documents required for PhD Thesis Submission in Delhi University as of 2017 for Philosophy Department.

1. Thesis Submission Form. (Get it from BRS).

2. Registration Letter of PhD. ( You will have a copy or ask the dealing officer in your Dept)

3. Joining Report. (You should have a copy)

4. Title Confirmation Letter. (You should have a copy)

5. Extension Letter. ( If you have taken extension).

6. Supervisor Change Letter. ( If that has happened)

7. Originality Certificate. ( This should available with the Computer guys at Patel Chest).

8. Student Approval Form. (This is available with the Computer guys at Patel Chest).

9. Plagiarism Test Certificate. (Get it down from Central Library)

10. Published Paper in a refereed journal along with a form. (Get the form here.)
( By chance your registered name is XYZ, and you have published as ZYX, then add this form too.)

11. Supervisor's Certificate for Exclusion of Self-Published work. (Get the form here.)

12. Three soft bound copy and one hard bound copy of your dissertation. ( Guys at Patel Chest know.)

13. Eight copies of Abstract ( Write the abstract, and guys at Patel Chest know how to put it in the correct format.)

14. 3 CDs of your dissertation (chapter wise) that also contains the abstract in PDF. On the CD cover, write your name, Department and get the supervisor signed.

(15. If you have done your previous degrees from some other University, and not Delhi University, get enrolment number in the first place. Start this process immediately. Without this number, you cannot submit. If you do not have it, tell the Section Officer in your Department.)

On Publication with Different Ordering of First Name and Surname


The Dean (Examination) 
University of Delhi

It is certified that Mr./Mrs. ____________________________________________ a student of Ph.D.
in the Department of ____________________________ Faculty of _________________________
is submitting/has submitted thesis on (topic of thesis): "____________________________________

That _____XYZ___ is the same person as ___ZYX___.

That the name ___ZYX___ is used for publication. 
                                                                                                        Yours Faithfully

                                                                                                    (Signature with seal)

                                                                 Verified by 

                                                    Head/Dean of the Department
                                                     (Signature with seal)

On Publication


The Dean (Examination)
University of Delhi

It is certified that Mr./Mrs. ____________________________________________ a student of Ph.D.
in the Department of ____________________________ Faculty of _________________________
is submitting/has submitted thesis on (topic of thesis): "____________________________________
and has published/accepted for publication the following research paper(s) in refereed journal(s)
after admission to Ph.D Course:

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

Copies of reprints/acceptance letter is attached.

He/she has fulfilled the requirement of publication one research paper in a refereed journal as contained in clause H.5 of Ordinance VI-B.
                                                                                                        Yours Faithfully

                                                                                                    (Signature with seal)
    Enclosed: As Above

                                                                 Verified by

                                                    Head/Dean of the Department
                                                     (Signature with seal)

Exclusion of Self-Published Work

                                                               University of Delhi

                             Supervisor's Certificate for Exclusion of Self-Published Work

The content of the chapters ___________________________ have been published in





This published work has been included in the thesis and has not been submitted for any degree to any University/institute.

       Signature of the student                                         Signature of Supervisor