Monday, August 5, 2013

Reflections of Death: Can a Dead Man's Spirit Become a Bad Spirit...? Part 3

Can a dead man's spirit become a bad spirit and terrorise/frighten people? 

The post put up yesterday advanced ideas that say that righteous dead and unrighteous dead go to different realm. And that they remain where they are supposed to be till Jesus would raise them in future and assign them where they are to remain till the end. Now if they are to remain dead, then what do we make out of this story that says that a particular place/location is haunted. 

Dead people will remain dead. Their spirit cannot frighten us. But the evil spirit is active. And the one desire of the evil spirit is to harm us. And so it is possible that the evil spirit takes on the form of a dead person, and tries to harm people or frighten others. In villages we hear of stories of dead people scaring away people from visiting certain location. Well, the dead people remains dead. It would have to be the evil spirit that wants to harm the good name of a dead man or to harm those who are still alive. So whether it's a house that is known to be haunted or a place considered haunted it's not the business of the dead people to disturb those who are still alive. 

Do we have to call the spirit to come along when a man dies in a foreign land? 

In certain religious tradition, it is said that a man should call his spirit to return along when he visits a strange land. It could happen that if the spirit is not called to return along, then the man could find his spirit missing when he is home; and the spirit would be wandering somewhere. Similarly, when a man dies in a foreign land, it is important to call the spirit home so that it does not wander around here and there. 

In Christian belief there is no such thing. Dead people go where they are supposed to go. The spirit wandering here and there if not called to return 'home' (where the dead body is buried) does not make sense, according to Christian belief. Dying at one's home or in hospital or in the open sea does make any difference where one goes after death. 

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