Thursday, July 2, 2009

Politics for Poumais!

The derivative of the word politics is polis which means cities, and the word ‘police’ and ‘polite’ are also derived from the same root word. Broadly speaking, politics then is the process by which people make decisions to govern the citizens of city-state. There is nothing wrong, therefore, in being in political game. To make wise decisions that in effect transforms the lives of thousands of people has to be a virtuous act. If we understand politics in such manner Christian engagement with politics is indispensable and inevitable. Politics, however, has often been narrowly understood and so it used to mean some cunning scheme devised to gain some unjustified end. It seems to me that before we venture into redeeming politics itself, we first need to redeem the definition!

As of now the political system in our society has become so dirty that it seems an impossible task making effort to get it rid of the corruption. Has it become the den of thieves and robbers? The way money power decides the outcome of election instead of the manifesto, the tall promises of the local politicians without the obligation to fulfill them, the diversion of funds meant for the construction of roads and bridges by the ministers to their personal bank accounts, bribery in appointment of different posts in different departments… The list can go on. Seeing the way the elected leaders are governing the city-state, I think, in most people the urge to clean up the system gets punctured.

As Christians, I would argue, that instead of distancing oneself from the political system we need to actively engage in it. We need to engage as citizens of the land, and some even as political leaders. Jesus ministry to transform the society is a political engagement. If we understand Jesus as showing concern only for immaterial entity of human being, and not for the transformation of the peoples-societies-nations (or rather socio-economic-political world) we are not knowing well the Jesus of the Bible. Politicians who cheat, steal, take bribe, and lie need to confronted. In the Bible we read Nathan confronting David, John the Baptist challenging Herod Antipas, Paul appealing to Caesar etc. Even today we can ask our political leaders of their accountability.

Politics is essential for our lives, and Christians must do politics. But what kind of development must it bring? Justice and common good. Justice for all and common good served is the holistic development as followers of Christ we need to pray and work for in our political involvement. Just politicians in a liberal democratic system can do so much to build society, but that is also equally true for its citizens because ultimately every five year every political leader must return to the people to seek their mandate. Church, academic settings, politics – all have tremendous potential to build or destroy people and society. It will not be fair to pit them against one another. To be able to take these different strands and flourish is a hard work, but that is key to progress.

In democratic system can we include even animals and trees in our voter list? Can an elected leader show concern only for those villages who voted for him? Is it wise for entire village to vote for a candidate because she is from the same village? Is the MLA representative of even those villages who did not vote for him? How should we educate the voters about the importance of manifesto? How do we decide which candidates can represent us well in the assembly and speak out for our rights? I think these are some hard questions which particularly students of Political Science should seriously think through, and write and speak out about.

Finally, key to good politics is media. Public moods is best voiced by the newspaper. The newspaper can also express the failures and achievement of the politicians and in effect inform the public of the things happenings. Politicians are much more accountable when there is such a medium like newspaper which can inform the public, and also much more progressive when they are informed of the moods of the public. Sometime back I heard of a newspaper being launched in Senapati. Sad to learn that it shut down because many readers were not willing to pay the bill. We have miles to go before we can day dream!

(Published in Dziila)

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