Friday, February 20, 2009

Prayer in Schools

I am a Christian, and I don’t want my children to follow other religion. ( Btw, I am single.) I shall teach them about Jesus Christ whom I worship, but I shall not force them to worship whom I worship. And I am sure everybody can agree with me thus far.

What would you do if your child is forced to worship ‘god’ that you don’t worship? Would it be okay with you if your child is forced to pray to ‘god’ that you don’t believe in? I am sure no one can agree with that. Suppose, BJP comes to power in India, and makes a rule that all the Govt owned schools recite Gayatri Mantra, whether the child is a Christian or Muslim or Hindu or Sikh and so on, what would you say? I shall protest if such a law is passed by any government. If they perform such thing in a school funded by their religious group, I would have no quarrel, but if anyone makes such a law for all even in Govt funded school, I would strongly protest.

How would an atheist feel if their children are forced to pray “Lord’s Prayer” in Govt school in some western countries? Or what would Jewish parents feel if their children are supposed to pray to Lord Jesus in school because the Christians in that country have successfully made prayer to Jesus a law? They don’t want their children being forced to pray Christian prayer. If I don’t want to be forced Gayatri Mantra upon me here in India, I should not want “Lord’s prayer” to be forced upon atheists or Hindu in the West or East. Should I?

Christians will say that they are praying to real God. And Muslims will say the same. An atheist will say that no such being is there. We can debate the question in civil public square free and fair on who is right and who is not. But until it is agreed by all the parties that a particular position is right, I don’t think prayer to any particular should be made in Govt. funded school.


  1. A prayer out of compulsion anyways is equal to no prayer at all. Prayer should be made by individual with willing heart, knowing to WHOM and for what and why he/she must pray! So, you've got a valid point my friend and I totally agree with you!

  2. You are correct in that, but then you must also not say, "I am a Christian, and I don’t want my children to follow other religion." Your 'don't want' attitude is a bit forceful... instead I would be glad and appreciate my kids if they follow Christ, rest is up to them and the Lord. Well!! I am happy you are looking forward to Kids...:-)
