Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Reversing Prediabetes 1

Before I begin to explain how I brought down my sugar level, let me show the data of the tests that I took during the last six months. 

In November, during winter, one night I got up thrice to pee during the night. Getting up two times have been there for sometime, but getting up thrice happened just once. In the morning I told my wife about getting up thrice to pee, so my wife who is a medical doctor, advised me to get my sugar checked. These are the results of the tests that followed: 

November 20th, 2017: 114 (Fasting);  94 (Post-breakfast) 

January 21st, 2018: 114 (Fasting); 94 (Post-breakfast) 

February 21st: 108 (Fasting)

March 21st: 102 (Fasting)

April 21st: 104 (Fasting)

May 24th: 98 (Fasting); 67 (Post-breakfast)

For Fasting, the normal range should be: 70-100; And for post-meal, the normal range should be: 70-140. This is what the lab from which I got the test done says. 

Looking at the figure, for fasting it comes down to the normal range (98) only during May, 2018, as it within 70-100. But for same month of May, the post-meal figure at 67 is below the normal range as it outside of 70-140. However, for fasting figure to bring it down from 114 to 98, it took me six months. I was told that post-meal figure at 67 is ok. Let's see how it comes for June. 

But I want to share how the figure for fasting comes down to 98 from 114. 

As I learnt that my fasting sugar is on the higher side, I started light exercise - running for a kilometre every alternate day. Even before that I used to walk almost every evening for 20 minutes or so. But now I added running to my routine. Yet I did not diet at all. I continued to eat as much red meat as I used to eat before. And what happened is that even two months later, there was no change at all in my sugar level. 

From the third week of January, after realising that my sugar level was as high as before, I started an even more rigorous running routine. I increased the distance for my running, which means increasing the amount of time in running. Also I started taking less amount of food, cutting out 2/5 of the quantity of the food. I divide the usual three meals into four small meals, making dinner the smallest meal. That way my sugar level during the night will not spike. Doing these things brought the sugar level  for fasting down from 114 to 98.

Today I run around 4-5 kilometres at least 5 times a week.

One of my concerns today is, given that my post-meal sugar is at 67, if I run for, say, 8 kilometre would it reduce the level of sugar in my bloodstream to 60 or even 50? I am told that it's not good for sugar level to good down below 60.

Depending on what result June test shows, I plan to make further changes in my lifestyle. 

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