Sunday, May 10, 2015

Why I-Phone?

IPhone 6 Plus costs above Rs. 50,000. That is a lot of money! 

For a long long time I used the kind of model that costs little over Rs. 1,000. The question was not whether I could afford a more expensive phone or not that made me use that kind of model. The question was what kind of phone do I NEED? Had I needed a phone that has more features, I would make effort to get such a phone. But if I did not need a phone that has more features and would cost Rs. 25,000, and my need would be serve by one that cost little over 1,000, the latter device would work for me. At present I used a particular model that costs around Rs. 2500. This model has WhatsApp facility, which makes conversation much cheaper. Without WhatsApp facility, one has to text message or make a phone call to be in touch. And that used to be expensive. With WhatsApp communication has become much cheaper. Given that WhatsApp has become a need, I got a phone that would have this feature. So if I got my my phone upgraded now, it was driven by my NEED. 

Because of certain reason if I require a phone that would cost Rs. 50,000 I would try to purchase such a phone. But unless the need/requirement arises, I would not want to spend money on buying a more expensive phone. 

There is a car that was purchased almost five years back. I did not go for SUV because I did not NEED such a car. Car became a 'need' because carrying young children with their mother on a bike is not safe. And traveling by bus to certain destination is too inconvenient. And it is turns out cheaper to use one's own car than using taxi/auto. Given these reasons, getting a car was more reasonable than not having one specially when one has a choice whether to have a car or not to have a car. I would have tried to get a bigger car even if it means I would have to pay much more provided I was in need of such a car. But I knew that such a car was not my need. What I needed was just a car. And a small car would fit my need.

With age, one may require a car that gives 'comfort' to the back. Fair enough! With age, one may require a bigger phone so that smaller screen may not be such a constraint on the eyes that are getting weaker. Fair enough! But to purchase things in order to show off is foolish. That is wasting resources. To lead a modest life in a world that is becoming more and more materialistic may not find many takers. But there will always be those who are against wastage; who are against showing off and who are against luxurious lifestyle. Being comfortable or being beautiful or being needs met do not have to veer towards leading a life that is so full of oneself -- not being able to think for others. 

When there are so many poor people out there; so many people who required help... because they are ill or because they are illiterate or because their crop failed and so on and so forth, if I had spent my riches just to get bigger phone, bigger car, bigger house etc. where would I have money to help others? If I lived a more modest life, then my riches could be shared with those who are in need. 'Wasting' money or rather spending money on things not really required is what I wish to avoid. And the reason I try to live this way is because the God that I worship teaches me to 'love my neighbour'. Not an easy teaching, nevertheless an important and a beautiful teaching!

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