Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Loving One's Neighbour

Love thy neighbour as thyself” is an important commandment in the Bible. “Neighbour” here does not primarily  or necessarily mean spatial neighbour, but refers to someone who needs to be loved and cared. Christian care, therefore, is to be extended to all people who needs it. It can be extended even to someone who is to be born in future. This is about loving one's neighbour in time. For example, practical application of loving one's neighbour in time can take the form of caring for the planet so that the future generation will not inherit a fully exploited earth.

The Bible, however, puts it this way: Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith (Gal 6.10). The notion of caring specially for those within the Christian community is an exhortation and practice that is found in the Bible. And this is to be lived out globally. Christians thus take care -- or should take care, of "its own family members".  To find beggars or homeless Christians is a scandal within the church. Yet this love and attitude must go beyond the Christian community and include people of all nations. 
This command to love one's neighbour is deeply rooted in the scriptural injunction. For some to love the weak and the needy is not a virtuous activity. For others it could be a virtuous activity but it is something that is done when one has some 'extra' time or money. For Christians loving one's neighbour is about responding to the call of Christ; about being obedient to the Master. 

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