Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Was Jesus of Nazareth Married to Mary Magdalene?

There is this idea that Jesus of Nazareth was actually married to Mary Magdalene and yet because the idea was blasphemous, since that would amount to portraying Jesus as a mere man, Christians hid this piece of truth. The story that Jesus was unmarried and he is divine was then proclaimed to the world by the Christians. But how plausible is this theory? Is it more plausible than the traditional story?

Jesus was a Jew, and he was raised according to the Jewish tradition. He knew his 'Book' well. Even at a young age of twelve, he showed deep understanding ( Luke 2. 47). According to Jewish belief, marriage was God's design. Procreation through sexual union was ordained by God himself. And, therefore, marriage was a way of life for both godly and ungodly individuals. Work, marriage, friendship etc were all godly activities. They became bad only when cheating, hatred, jealousy etc. would get entangled.

Being a member of a society that believed likewise, would Jesus marriage be considered an evil act by other members of his society? Of course not. Jesus had friends; he used to work and if he did get married that would be considered normal. Whether Jesus was divine or not had nothing to do with his marriage or lack thereof. And therefore there was absolutely no reason why the disciples who penned his 'biography' would hide such fact for fear of his divinity being compromised. If Jesus was divine, he would be divine even if he was married. So why were Jesus' 'biographers' silent about his marriage? Well, for the simple reason that he did not marry.

Writing to the Corinthians in around 55 A.D. Paul said “don't we have the right to take a believing wife along with us, as do the other apostles and the Lord's brother and Peter?” Paul did not say “don't we have the right to take with us a believing wife as our Lord Jesus had done?” Paul appealed to the apostles for examples, not to Jesus himself, because Jesus was not married. Had Jesus been married, he would definitely have appealed to the example set by Jesus himself. After all Paul or Peter or Jesus alike all considered marriage to be godly act. The fact is that Jesus simply was not married.

Those who think that if Jesus had married, then that would portray Jesus as a mere man, and not divine, are mistaken about the idea of marriage given in the Bible. The idea of Jesus' marriage was not at all blasphemous. It is just that Jesus actually never got married.


  1. Why do the Christian priests and nuns not marry? How does it make them more dedicated in their service towards God?

  2. Some of them choose not to marry, and give their time for the work they are into. But there are also those males and females who do similar service but are married. Those who chose not to marry and do such work probably felt that they would be able to devote more time to their work if they remain unmarried.
