Saturday, November 5, 2011

Does the Bible Endorse Homosexual Practice?

In the biblical narrative, after male and female were created, one of the things God told them was to multiply and increase in number. And so in the Bible, one of the purposes of marriage is procreation. Since two men or two women coming together in marriage will not necessarily result in procreation, homosexual partners coming together in marriage cannot remain true to what the Bible teaches. So there is one reason against homosexual practice for those people who consider Bible to be the final authority for their faith and conduct.

But how about just two homosexual partners coming together for mutual pleasure if homosexual marriage is against biblical teaching? Would the Bible be against such act? The Bible in the book of Romans consider sexual relations between males or between females to be unnatural. So what is natural sexual relation is one man and one woman within the context of marriage. The Bible did not say whether it was against  male/female prostitute practicing such sexual act or whether it was against casual homosexual conduct between two willing partners. It considers homosexual practice in general to be unnatural, and therefore goes against God's design. So again we have here another reason against homosexual practice. 

I don't believe that our conduct is driven by our gene. I don't believe that gay gene is there at all. But even if it is there, I don't believe that our behavior is determined by our gene, and the person is not responsible for his or her conduct. I do think that homosexual relationship is primarily a matter of choice. Humans just don't dance to the tune of DNA/gene, but it's the choice we make that is finally reflected in our conduct. As a Christian believer, therefore, I believe homosexual behavior is some conduct we cannot accept within the church. 

This does not mean I should hate them. Just as much as God loves all people, followers of Jesus must love all people.


  1. In a Biblical sense, there is a "gay gene". That is the "sin gene" that all of us have. And because of this sin gene, people are liars, promiscuous, murderers, thieves and homosexuals. And all sins must be won over by the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

  2. Thank you, Abhilash. I very much agree with your observation :-)
