Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Higher Calling

Gain the colleges and universities today, and you will gain the nation tomorrow”.

Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders. And it is this vision that motivated UESI’s founding fathers to launch the ministry. In its 55 years of ministry UESI has produced leaders of various shape and size. And yet we have miles to go, provided the Lord tarries his return. The church and society await more disciples who will work until His justice and peace embrace and his lordship prevail all in all. To that extent all his disciples are called to be faithful stewards of gifts and talents entrusted to us.
The parable of the talent tells us that the one with one talent did not use his talent well. The llesson for us today is whether we are using the talent well. It is quite possible that in this generation those who have been given talents to serve as a staff worker and contribute to the church and society working somewhere else so that the talents remain obscure. We are used to hearing that tells us to take it as God’s call wherever we are now. But that need not always be God’s message for the particular individual. God may be calling you to join the staff team at this crucial moment when UESI in Delhi is decentralizing.
If you are one who questions if you are where you are supposed to be you can take time to pray and wait on God. If you are a student you can take a year off and work as a staff before you proceed on; and if you are a graduate you can take leave and work as staff till you are sure of His leading. If God wants you to contribute to his church and society by being a staff worker do not hesitate. There is no higher calling than being faithful to Him.

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