I needed provisional PhD certificate to apply for Post-doc. I got things wrong initially. So I am writing this so that those who want provisional certificate do not have to repeat the mistake I made or waste their time trying to find out how to do things.
During the BA days, we would go to the admin counter and pay the fees in cash. Now fee payment is done online. Well, to cut short, to apply for PhD provisional certificate pay the fee here, this is the misc section.
But first you need to get a form from the admin block. Then register yourself in the link provided above. To register, you need a university roll number. This roll number is not the enrolment number. Well, you may ask how come a PhD student has a roll number. Yes, we were not assigned a roll number by the Department. And for that, you would need to go to the Department's office, and ask the official to assign you a roll number. Once you've that, you can register yourself. Then login to pay the fees. Take two print outs of the fee receipt, and go to the admin block of DU to submit the form as well as the fee payment receipt.
This is simple. But if don't know in which page of DU website, you are to register yourself and then pay the fee, you'b be lost. DU website has so many pages where you may pay fees. And getting the right page will save lot of time. Now things may change in the coming years. But for 2018, this is the pattern and I guess this will stay for some years.