Certain people seem to have problem with a former tea seller being nominated as the Prime Ministerial candidate. Modi's humble beginning has been 'mocked'. I find this unreasonable. And it is even more annoying to hear such words coming from the so called well educated politician. If the so called well educated class has not been educated not to mock a person's livelihood or taught to respect any fair and clean way of making one's living, he or she is not being a well educated person. Whether Modi is the right person or not should not depend on his former way of making his living. Congress should very soon give up this rhetoric!
Having said that I find certain policies of Modi not being minority friendly, specially that of the Muslims. His refusal to wear the Muslims turban even as a political gesture does not sound comforting. A politician should be willing to accept the Dalits and eat with them; so also must he or she be willing to embrace and treat people of every religious background equally. This is not to say he or she cannot adhere to certain religious position or practice his religious belief. Wishing the Muslims during their festivals is different from worshiping the deity that Muslims worship.
So I would prefer that Congress sticks to flawed policies of the Modi in their criticism. Mocking him for having been a tea seller once upon a time amounts to hitting below the belt. India's PM is not reserved only for those who were born as 'prince' and 'princess'.